Liesther Roluna's profile

HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation 3 Users

HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Login Page
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard, Auto Synchronizing Reports of Attendance and Number of Employees
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard with Posting Announcement
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Attendance Tab with table and download button generate to excel file
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Departments Tab , Crud Functions, Download Table using button and Generate to Excel File
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Designation Tab , Crud Functions, Download Table using button and Generate to Excel File
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Employee Tab , Create, Update Functions, Generate Random Password, Dropdown Get Data PHP ( in this system admin can not delete employee record but need to request to super admin authorize to delete employee record permanent
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Employee Tab View Full Horizontal Table
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Leave Tab , Update Functions  ( in this system admin can validate the status of leave when staff is update the request of user  to check, admin can cancel leave request if the user request to refuse or cancelled.) noted: approve leave automatic applies to the payroll system once it verified
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Loans and Advance Tab, Update Functions  ( in this system admin can validate the status of loans requested and generate a reference number, admin can minus the amount of loan request during creating payroll)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Overtime Tab, Update Functions  ( in this system admin can validate the status of overtime requested by users and check by staff, admin input and release a total amount of overtime during creating payroll)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Employee Position Tab, Crud Functions
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Employee Schedule Tab, Crud Functions ( in this system admin can set a time of work, time applies in attendance user dashboard)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Payroll Tab | Employee Salary, Crud Functions, Auto Generate Totals in Textfield, Download Button Generate to Excel ( in this system admin can admin update sss, pagibig, philhealth loans, overtime and leave balance before click select employee button and create a payroll record, admin generate total and create payslip)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Report Tab | Leave Section ( in this system admin can view total number of approve and decline leave)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Report Tab | Payslip Section ( in this system admin can view paylip and print, admin also can delete records of payslip)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Performance Tab | Regularization Section, Crud Functions ( in this system admin can update employees to regular, admin also can update the total salary amount of user per month)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Admin Tab | Holiday Section, Crud Functions ( in this system admin can can create, update, delete holidays)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - User Tab, Crud Functions ( in this system admin can can create, update, delete users)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Admin Dashboard - Profile Tab, Crud Functions, Logout Sessions ( in this system admin can can update profile information including pictures and passwords and logout)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Staff - Login ( in this system staff can can login in their own dashboard after admin create their credentials)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Staff Dashboard ( in this system staff can can view announcements)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Staff Dashboard - Attendance Tab ( in this system staff can update employee attendance, note: attendance update is authorize when internet connection interrupts)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Staff Dashboard - Employee Tab ( in this system staff can update employee records and generate specific date to view the records of their attendance)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Staff Dashboard - Leaves Tab ( in this system staff can update employee leave request and send it to admin for approval)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Staff Dashboard - Leaves Tab ( in this system staff can validate employee overtime request and send it to admin for approval)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Staff Dashboard - Profile Tab, Logout Session ( in this system staff can update their information)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Employee Dashboard - Attendance ( in this system employee can time in and time out online )
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Employee Dashboard - Login ( in this system employee login to their own account )
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Employee Dashboard ( in this system employee can view and post announcement )
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Employee Dashboard - Attendance Tab ( in this system employee can view their attendance history )
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Employee Dashboard - Leave Tab ( in this system employee can create a leave request, employee also can view if their status of leave request. note: admin also can generate employee leave credit balance per year )
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Employee Dashboard - Overtime Tab ( in this system employee can create and delete a overtime request)
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Employee Dashboard - Payslip Tab ( in this system employee can view and print their payslip )
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Employee Dashboard - Payslip Tab ( in this system employee can view their remaining balance of loan request )
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Employee Dashboard - Loans and Balance Tab ( in this system employee can request a loan and view the status of their loan request )
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation - Employee Dashboard - Notification, Profile and Logout Session
HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation 3 Users


HRIS - Ecoshift Corporation 3 Users

This Project is a Proposal for our company
